Jay Kalath, Founder & CEO
(E) jay.kalath@alliedmission.com
(P) 571-344-0888
Jay Kalath serves as the Founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Allied Mission Group (AMG). In his position, he is responsible for providing strategic leadership for the company by working with AMG’s management team to establish long term goals, strategies, plans, and policies to ensure customer satisfaction, provide a family first work environment for AMG employees and continue to redefine the value we provide to our partners. Jay brings close to 20 years of C level and Senior Executive experience in delivery, operations and growth.
Prior to AMG, Jay served as the Vice President (VP) for Civilian and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for ARRAY Information Technology, Executive Vice President (EVP) for Astegic Corporation and CTO and GM for Enterprise Solutions for Bart & Associates, Inc. During this time, Jay supported a variety of clients across Department of Defense (DoD), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Department of Interior (DoI), Department of State, Census, EPA and NASA. Early on in his career, Jay worked at Booz Allen & Hamilton (BAH) and the Boeing Company providing Modeling & Simulation, Software Development and Systems Engineering Support.